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3 Artists Who Inspire Me To Make More Art

Any novice needs a mentor, a guide, someone they can look up to, and as an upcoming artist, I am fortunate to have had my share of the best artists that have taught me so much, albeit unknowingly. Being inspired from their work, I have grown so much, and come so far in my journey, that I feel I can never do them justice by just being grateful for them. So, I decided to share them with you, and talk a little bit about how they have impacted my work and style.

Jono Dry:

Jono Dry’s art will leave anyone speechless. His attention to detail, the way he brings out the minute and portrays it as the mighty, we find ourselves immersed in the story that he narrates through his strokes. A south African hyperrealistic artist, I came across Dry while browsing youtube, stumbling on his tutorials that teach various art subjects, convincing me that every beginner artist who aspires to be excellent can benefit greatly from Jono’s style and ideas.

For a look at his website, click here. If you'd like to read an article or an interview with jono, click here or here.

Kristel Bechara

Vibrant colors, exotic scenes and sensory experiences is the language with which Kristel’s canvases speak. The first NFT Arab Female Artist, I discovered Bechara on Instagram, the hub of NFT art and artists. I was in awe the moment I laid my eyes on her page, and I was transported out of this world, (figuratively yet literally). And what’s more, I even had the chance to meet with this magnificent personality at WAD where I was exhibiting my own art. I asked her opinion about what is the one thing an artist should focus on in building his brand, and her answer is one my main goals to achieve: “Create a style which is solely yours and people recognize you through that style.”

Carla Grace Art

The dedication to her work and the balance she has with her passion and her family life is inspiring. It is even more inspiring to witness how open she is about the challenges she faces, and the way she resolves them. She has a how-to blog written after every artwork she completes, guiding her audience through her journey, to show them what she has already tried, and tested, what works and what doesn’t work. To know more about her works click here or here.

To wrap it up, these are the few main people I look up to and try to creatively steal their ideas, workflows, and styles. Common amongst them all is their dedication to their unique style, and inspiration from nature and wildlife. If you are an avid follower of my work, that you’ve noticed that I too take my inspiration from nature, try to depict wildlife, and strive to bring details to the canvas, that might’ve otherwise gone unnoticed.

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