I try to come up with novel ideas, as I dive into yet another adventurous vacation. And as far as vacations go, the title of the most adventurous vacation surely belongs to the one of year 2022 - this past year. The anticipation of finally being able to step out into the world after two years of lockdown, added a kick to the exciting events that followed.
First and foremost, the most thrilling experience was being able to showcase two of my artworks (drawings) in the world art exhibition that was held in dubai. If you’re interested, I have an article on my complete experience of the exhibition, you can click HERE to take a look at it.
This summer, I also had the valuable opportunity of conducting an art (drawing) workshop at Dubai MSB, an esteemed educational institution. I realized that teaching is a priceless experience, through which you learn more than you teach.
Nothing is more precious to an artist than the knowledge that his art is seen and appreciated. I had the golden chance of presenting my artworks in front of the US ambassador to the UAE and other dignitaries who visited the Dawoodi Bohra Masjid at Abu Dhabi.
Last but not the least, I even did a few commissioned works during the holiday, ones that brought me immense pleasure, because it meant my art had found a home. One - a portrait of a child, and another - a painting for an office premises for the Standard Group company based in Dubai, UAE.
Once I settled down, after all the exhibition exhilaration and enjoying my holidays, I was in a dilemma of what to create next. You could say I had the dreaded “artists block”. I called up a few of my friends for a bit of advice and they guided me surprisingly well. They suggested I introduce myself to my audience and connect with them.
Hence the “REMINISCENCE” series was born. A collection of various drawings that took my audience down my memory lane, show them the places and times of my life that made me who I am today. After all, what is art than an attempt at expressing one's own identity. I aspire to continue this series and create a priceless treasure of nostalgia, not only for me, but for all the youth of UAE, who have spent their childhood in this amazing country. I hope you enjoy looking at these drawings, as much as I enjoy creating them.
Now you can see why I would title this as the best vacation yet, as I grew so much, as an artist, and more importantly, as a person. What did your vacation look like? I hope everyone had the chance to pursue something they were passionate about, and if you did, I would love to know what it was and how you accomplished it. You might just be the inspiration for my next post. Stay tuned for more articles on my art and life. Thank you for reading. Your feedback/comments will be highly appreciated.