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The Power of Simplicity: Why I Stick to Graphite and Charcoal in My Art

There is a certain elegance and simplicity that comes with black and white drawings. While color can be captivating and visually stunning, black and white drawings offer a different kind of charm that captures the viewer's attention in a different way.

The use of pencil as the sole medium adds depth, emotion, and drama to a piece of artwork that color cannot always achieve.

I remember in grade school, whenever we were asked to make some art, I would always prefer the pencil as my medium, as if just one stick of lead was more that enough to convey my message.

We did not need the whole rainbow.

This drawing captures eyes of a lady wearing a veil. My school's art teacher gave us this image to redraw and color it. I, on the other side, redrew and shaded it with graphite.
The above drawing was done in my school days and I am so thrilled looking at it now.

One of the main reasons why I prefer to use pencils only as a medium instead of paintbrushes and colors is because it forces the artist to focus on the value and texture of the drawing.

By removing color from the equation, the artist must pay closer attention to the different shades and tones that can be achieved with pencil strokes.

This level of detail can be time-consuming, but it ultimately results in a piece of artwork that is more refined and polished.

Another reason why black and white drawings are so captivating is that they are timeless. Ever seen a drawing and been immediately drawn into the lines? As if they were hypnotizing? The lines seem as creases, as the wrinkles of the art and that gives the art an ancient vibe, which adds to the mystic of the pencil medium.

They remind us of our ancestors, in the caves, using just some chalk to inscribe their art on the walls, not a whole palette. Colour trends may come and go, but black and white drawings always have a classic and sophisticated look.

They evoke a sense of nostalgia and a connection to the past, while remaining relevant in the present. They are a versatile medium that can be used to convey a wide range of emotions and messages.

In addition to the above reasons, black and white drawings also offer a certain level of simplicity, a rawness, an inspiring touch. They are clean and uncluttered, allowing the viewer to focus solely on the lines, shapes, and textures within the drawing.

Black and white drawings can be striking and powerful in their simplicity, and often leave a lasting impression on the viewer. An analogy might be made as; pencil drawings are like the ‘books’ in comparison to paintings, which can be the ‘movies’.

While the drawings give you room for imagination and take you through your own personal and intimate journey, colour paintings are much more ‘out there’ and entertaining.

Overall, the simplicity and elegance of black and white drawings is something that should not be overlooked. While color can be beautiful and alluring, there is a certain charm that comes with the use of pencils as the sole medium.

It forces the artist to pay closer attention to the details and texture of the drawing, resulting in a refined and polished final product.

Black and white drawings are timeless, versatile, and offer a level of simplicity that is difficult to achieve with color. It is a medium that should be celebrated and appreciated for its unique and captivating qualities.

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